Past and Current COTC Artists:
Francesca Amadee Caruso, Violin
Jared Arnold, French Horn
Matt Aronoff, Bass
Katherine Bernard, Hair
Ludovica Burtone, Violin
Nina Carelli, Makeup
Allyson Clare, Viola and Violin
Humberto de Castro, Violin
Lucia della Paolera, Director, Producer, Vocals
Jake Dester, Alto Saxophone
C.F. aka Kim Guillotine, Machine
Lester Garcia, Costume Styling
Myranda Gillies, Costume Styling
Gobby, Composer, Drums, Trumpet
Michael Guidetti, Laser Projections
Joe Heffernan, Piano
Brad Hoss, Sound Design
Ellie Hunter, Hair and Makeup
Juan José Jiménez, Drums
Valerie Keane, Electric Bass
Zoe Kestan, Makeup
Marty Kenney, Bass
Brian Krock, Clarinet, Flute, Piccolo
Celia Lesh, Props
Alex LoRe, Soprano Saxophone
Justine Lugli, Viola, Graphic Design, Production
Emily Marroquin, Makeup
Reilly McGale, Costume Embroidery
Dorian Mckaie, Set Design
Monica Mirabile, Movement Direction
Rianne Mision, Guitar
Maureen Murchie, Violin
Mike Nelson, Sound Design
Lance Piebenga, Guitar
Luisa Popovic, Hair
Timothy Rusterholz, Cello and Composer
Esther Sibiude, Harp, Librettist, Project Director
Jett Strauss, Laser Projections
Seth Tillett, Lighting
Emilia Wang, Flute
Thomas Hobson Williams, Organ, Synthesizer