Love in All the Right Places is a one-act play written by Juan Ramirez, Jr. The play was performed at Manhattan Repertory Theatre in 2011 and later, at the Ophelia Theatre Group - First Play Festival in 2015. The play is a two-character piece, about the truth of love, the odds of two people constantly meeting in NYC and that no matter how meant something seems, it takes work to make it so. On todays' exact day, theater has been for a year. Although, there has been advancement. People were unable to go the theater have begun to experience it, via Zoom. Whether they couldn't afford the tickets or due to a disability, virtual theater has come into people's home. This is something that should continue.
Play synopsis: Xavier and Yvette keep running into each other in New York City, yet no matter what the universe is telling them, there is no way they can make their connection easy. Will Xavier learn compromise, and will Yvette learn that love comes to those who want it?