Public Space Programming 2022

Public Space Programming 2022

Public Space Programming brings events and activities to car-free public spaces by partnering with organizations that host activities. These activities can include arts, culture, fitness, or educational experiences, and are always free and open to New Yorkers of all ages and abilities. Past participants have included The Public Theater, Street Lab, Bindlestiff Family Cirkus, New York Chinese Cultural Center, and the Brooklyn Botanical Garden. Funding for providers may be available and is based on their proposed fees. Regardless, DOT provides assistance with permitting and logistics to all providers.

New providers can apply to perform or host activities on Open Streets, pedestrian plazas, and other DOT public spaces. Successful respondents will be added to the Public Space Programming list and may be called upon throughout the season.

As with Open Streets, returning Public Space programming partners will only need to complete a short-form application.

Application Deadline:2022-01-28
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