Library Zine! Voices Across the New York Public Library

2024 Theme: Progress is a Process
Nobody’s perfect. As we have seen in the past couple of months, our community and our world is still a work in progress. But that is the case with anything that requires strength and effort. We still have more work to do and that is what we are asking in our 2024 Zine Theme. What causes are important to you? What events have transpired, personally or globally, that made you take stock in what’s important to you? Did it make you grow or transform as a person? What can others gain or learn from these changes?

Answer these questions and more in our 2024 Zine theme: Progress Is A Process. This theme is centered around our world being a work in progress”. Although the past few years have been challenging for many, don’t feel limited to addressing current events. The Zine Committee is looking for creative and unique takes on how the world is growing.

To find more information about guidelines and where to submit in the post, and to read previous publications online, visit


Library Zine! is an all-ages publication for anyone inside and outside of NYC. There is no prize other than the prestige of being published.

Application Deadline:2024-11-01
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