American Descendants of Slaves is a multimedia theatrical production showing the ethnic evolution of the Black American. In a metaphorical journey through The First Passage to contemporary Black American culture, acting, dance, music, film, and projection are used to explore questions of identity, delight and entertain, and foster appreciation.
As a classically trained stage actor, Chanel Huston has been afforded several opportunities to entertain audiences with her emotionally charged portrayals of strong but flawed women, often in culturally themed productions. Recently, she starred in "¡Pa’lante!," a devised social justice play about the relationship between the revolutionary groups, The Young Lords and The Black Panthers. She then went on to be cast in the lead role of James Baldwin’s The Amen Corner, which drew hundreds of audience members to the Bronx’s Lovinger Theater each night. While studying theatre and multimedia performing arts at two prominent institutions, she has worked tirelessly to hone her skills in projection, editing, and sound design so that she can incorporate these elements into live, innovative theatrical performances.