Americo Casiano was born in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico and came to the Bronx when he was 40 days old and lived here ever since. He loves fishing and camping when not at church. Americo enrolled at Brooklyn College where he studied English with Charles Lynch and Puerto Rican literature with Alfredo Matilla. Both were instrumental in his evolution as a writer. Both became friend and mentor exposing him to many writers and different schools of thought in literature. Matilla exposed Americo to the Puerto Rican Narratives of the 20th century along with the Puerto Rican poets from the 1930s to present. Lynch taught him structures of fiction, and the new schools of the free verse. They taught me the importance of Literature having a social/historic context. So Americo wrote about people significant within the Puerto Rican experience in NYC among other things. The works submitted are examples of this.