Pepatián was originally founded by visual artist and MacArthur Fellow Pepón Osorio, choreographer Merián Soto, and dance/ puppet theater maker Patti Bradshaw as an artists’ collective in 1983, and earned a reputation within the visual and performing arts community for its ability to respond to the needs of the field and create successful projects with limited resources. In 1999, Pepón Osorio and Merián Soto hired Jane Gabriels, Ph.D. Pepatián continues the legacy of Osorio and Soto, providing a regional draw and vital network for performing arts in the Bronx, raising visibility of artists making work in the borough. Several generations of Latinx artists have been positively affected by this proven ability to formulate significant projects and collaborations. In 2018, Pepatián created a new model of collaborative leadership with Co-Director /Consultants: Caridad De La Luz/La Bruja, Jane Gabriels, Ph.D. and Ana “Rokafella” Garcia.