Runaway princess, a hopeful tale of heroin, hooking and happiness

Winner Best Storyteller, United Solo (theatre row)2018
Best Actor, Galway Fringe, 2019
Fringiest Show, Baltimore Fringe, 2019
Directors Choice, Marsh International Solo Festival, 2022
Edinburgh fringe 2022
Fortunately, like all fables, there is a happy ending. As we peel away the last layer of a broken woman, one who trod on the edge of society because she
never felt she fit in, we finally find the princess, reunited at last with her most precious treasures. This is indeed a tale of hope that deserved to be shared." Marianna Meloni -Evervthing Theatre. Edinburgh Festival. 2022
..... Excellent
The hair-raising memoir of a woman who turned her life around after decades of alcoholism, drugs, abuse


Saturday, May 20, 2023

8:00pm - 10:00pm

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Runaway princess, a hopeful tale of heroin, hooking and happiness
Winner Best Storyteller, United Solo (theatre row)2018 Best Actor, Galway Fringe, 2019 Fringiest Show, Baltimore Fringe, 2019 Directors Choice, Marsh International Solo Festival, 2022 Edinburgh fringe 2022 Fortunately, like all fables, there is a happy ending. As we peel...
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Sunday, May 21, 2023

5:00pm - 10:00pm

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Runaway princess, a hopeful tale of heroin, hooking and happiness
Winner Best Storyteller, United Solo (theatre row)2018 Best Actor, Galway Fringe, 2019 Fringiest Show, Baltimore Fringe, 2019 Directors Choice, Marsh International Solo Festival, 2022 Edinburgh fringe 2022 Fortunately, like all fables, there is a happy ending. As we peel...
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