Motherhood Unplugged: Real Talk with the artists behind HOT ANGRY MOM

HOT ANGRY MOM is an award-winning comedy series about Marie Love--a people-pleasing NYC mom in a multiracial family--whose life gets turned upside down when a video of her epic meltdown becomes a viral sensation.

For moms, theatre nerds, those impacted by #metoo, and anyone who has ever struggled with their rage, HOT ANGRY MOM asks, "What does healthy anger look like? And how can we transform it into a source of power?"

Come enjoy a night out with moms and filmmakers, as we screen the series pilot and share behind-the-scenes stories of creating HOT ANGRY MOM and swap stories about Motherhood.


Saturday, October 21, 2023

8:00pm - 9:30pm

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Motherhood Unplugged: Real Talk with the artists behind HOT ANGRY MOM
HOT ANGRY MOM is an award-winning comedy series about Marie Love--a people-pleasing NYC mom in a multiracial family--whose life gets turned upside down when a video of her epic meltdown becomes a viral sensation. For moms, theatre nerds, those impacted by #metoo, and anyone who has ever struggled with...
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