The Soundview Branch of the New York Public Library will be hosting a virtual Bronx History program featuring author Angel Garcia on July 17 from 3 to 4 PM. Angel Garcia will be speaking about his book The Kingdom Began in Puerto: Neil Connolly's Priesthood in the South Bronx. Mr. Garcia is an alum from Fordham University and did activism with Fr. Connolly. He was a community organizer and Executive Director of South Bronx People for Change, a Church-based direct action and membership organization co founded by Fr. Connolly. Born in Puerto Rico, and a graduate of Regis High School, Princeton University, and Pace University, Garcia is a long-term resident of the South Bronx and has been active on social justice issues and worker cooperatives.
You can register through July 16 for the program by scanning the QR code on the attached flier or going to this link here: https://www.nypl.org/events/programs/2023/07/17/history-bronx-july-meetup
You can register through July 16 for the program by scanning the QR code on the attached flier or going to this link here: https://www.nypl.org/events/programs/2023/07/17/history-bronx-july-meetup