2019 Girad Grant for Photographers
Queer|Art is along with The Robert Giard Foundation to provide Queer|Art’s first international grant of $10,000 to support the creation of… more
En Foco Photography Fellowship 2020
$1,000 Fellowship, designed to support photographers of color who demonstrate the highest quality of work as determined by a photography panel… more
Alan Cooper Leadership in the Arts Award
The Alan Cooper Leadership in the Arts Award honors an active arts leader who has exhibited outstanding leadership in the arts sector within… more
The Creative Center Training Institute for Artists and Administrators in Healthcare and Creative Aging, March 23-27, 2020
This week-long training, funded by the NEA and the NYC… more
Landau Fellow, Family Programs (Education Coordinator) | Education
Application Deadline: 08/31/2019 more
The Bead Project at UrbanGlass
Application deadlines are February 15th for the Spring, August 15th for the Fall semester. more