A.I.R. Gallery invites curators to submit proposals for our next CURRENTS exhibition, which will take place from January 6 to February 4, 2024. CURRENTS began in 2010 as a timely and innovative biennial exhibition program addressing contemporary issues that warrant expanded critical attention in the art world. Previous iterations of the exhibition include: Identity Politics, curated by Christian Camacho-Light and Roxana Fabius; An Overwhelming Response, curated by Carmen Hermo; Abortion, curated by Barbara Zucker; and Do You Hear What I Hear?, curated by Anthony Elms.

CURRENTS takes the format of a two-part open call: one for curators, and the other for artists. We begin by soliciting 250–350-word curatorial proposals. Curatorial proposals should describe an original concept for a group exhibition that responds to a contemporary social, aesthetic, or political issue. We also ask that you submit a brief statement describing why A.I.R. is a good fit for your project and how your project aligns with the gallery’s mission. Curatorial applications are reviewed by A.I.R.’s Exhibitions Committee.

After the curator has been selected, we will open the call to artists, asking them to submit work that aligns with the curator’s chosen framework. The artist open call will run from July through the end of September. The curator will then review the artist submissions and select 10–15 works to include in the exhibition. After the artists have been selected, the curator will develop a floor plan for the exhibition and write a 500–1000 word essay, which will be made available to visitors and published on the gallery’s website. The curator is expected to supervise the exhibition installation, which will take place January 3–5, 2024.

Application Deadline:2023-05-15
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