Lucia della Paolera (born 1988) is an artist working across vocal music, film, performance, translation, and law. She is the Creative Director and Lead Vocalist of the "Child of the Church" series of site-specific staged performances of music by Bach & contemporary composers, developed in collaboration with DJ and composer Gobby. The first performance of the series "My Heart Swims in Blood" was presented in June 2019 at Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn. She works with numerous groups and individually on vocal performance projects across genres. She is the Director of the 2017 "South Bronx Cribs" documentary film project, produced in collaboration with ID Studio and BronxArtSpace, and is in post-production of her first fiction film "Transnational Villagers." Other projects include her forthcoming translation of a book of conversations with the Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges, and her work as an Accredited Representative in immigration law at African Services Committee, Harlem.