"All She Cares About is the Yankees", by John Ford Noonan, invites its audience to spend an exhilarating 90 minutes with "Spanky" Oberfeld during a sweltering summer evening in the mid-80s. Spanky has been unable to leave her home for six weeks, imprisoning herself, yet determined to discover the reason for her fear and self imposed isolation. With the help of some friends on the outside, her passion for baseball, and tons of grit and determination, she attempts time and time again to make it out the door, and back to life. Spanky knows deep down that the only way out is through, and although her quest for answers pushes her closer and closer to escape, we are left wondering if one person can really truly save themselves. Or, do we actually need others, not only to thrive, but to simply survive?
Directed by Jonathan Libman
Starring Amelia Huckel-Bauer as Maureen "Spanky" Oberfeld
Produced by Amelia Huckel-Bauer
Co-Produced/Choreographed/Additional Production by Tatyana Kot
Sound Design and Additional Production by Jason Weiner
Directed by Jonathan Libman
Starring Amelia Huckel-Bauer as Maureen "Spanky" Oberfeld
Produced by Amelia Huckel-Bauer
Co-Produced/Choreographed/Additional Production by Tatyana Kot
Sound Design and Additional Production by Jason Weiner