Artist Sustainability Workshop - Kickstarter 101: Crowdfunding for Artists and Community-Centered Projects

Poe Park Visitor Center

From noted artists Pope. L to CTRL+SHFT to the Royal Academy of Arts, artists, collectives, and institutions crowdfund to galvanize their community and get their next project funded. Led by Kickstarter's Arts Outreach Specialist Daniel Sharp, discuss the tips, tricks, and lessons learned when framing your campaign, pricing rewards, and finding backers. Bring ideas, energy, and questions, and we'll bring worksheets and answers.

About Daniel Sharp, Instructor

Daniel Sharp is the Outreach Specialist on Kickstarter's Arts team. His work ranges from initiating conversations with potential creators to coaching projects before, during, and after launch. Sharp was formerly the founder and curator of a university public art organization, D/ART, in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and is published in the Agora Journal of Urban Planning and Design. He is also an artist and musician.





Saturday, March 9, 2019

12:30pm - 2:30pm

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Artist Sustainability Workshop - Kickstarter 101: Crowdfunding for Artists and Community-Centered Projects
From noted artists Pope. L to CTRL+SHFT to the Royal Academy of Arts, artists, collectives, and institutions crowdfund to galvanize their community and get their next project funded. Led by Kickstarter's Arts Outreach Specialist Daniel Sharp, discuss the tips, tricks, and lessons learned when framing...
Poe Park Visitor Center 2640 Grand Concourse


Poe Park Visitor Center

2640 Grand Concourse
Bronx, NY 10458